one goal is to cut his country's deficit by half at the end of his first term - that's quite ambitious.
obama's other goal is that by 2020, America will (once again) have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world. that is, despite obama acknowledging that America has one of the highest high school dropout rates of any industrialized nation, and half of the students who begin college never finish. he also requested that "every American to commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training."
"we know the countries that out-teach us today will out-compete us tomorrow.. (and) I speak to you not just as a president, but as a father, when I say that responsibility for our children's education must begin at home. That is not a Democratic issue or a Republican issue. That's an American issue." i don't think it gets much truer than that.
obama may have a lot of lofty goals, high expectations, and overly-optimistic views of the future,
but you know what?
"we are not quitters."
obama's placed his faith in the american people, and i think that now it's time for that to be reciprocated. feel free to comment/bash this!
obama's full speech
brett dennen
San Francisco:
Make You Crazy (complete with his own cheesy video):
Juan Enriquez: How mindboggling science will outlast the crisis
look around the site for an endless amount of deliciously interesting presentations on anything and everything.
you HAVE to see this!
thanks goes to kaitlin hickey for showing me all these cool things at work today.
black cab sessions
one of my favorite artists is ryan adams, and he does a song from his new album 'Cardinology' called 'Sinking Ships.' it's a great song with a really awesome bridge. take a listen!
my solo piece
what i've been listening to lately...
some material from ted greene
amazing - the four finger pianist
my first blog post (with a useful theory site)

so i come by a lot of useful info throughout each workday (i work at the Winspear Centre). i thought it’d be good to blog some of this stuff, so others can get what i get out of these things.
for my first blog, i’d like to share what has for the last while been extremely helpful. that would be
- www.teoria.com -. if you’ve got a crappy ear like me, or you want to hone your already perfect aural skills (which i’m extremely jealous of), this is the perfect place to do it. not only does it have several ear-training exercises, it has double that in theory exercises. now i know musicians are quite divided when it comes to theory junk, but i’m on the liking-theory side of things. i’m preparing to go to grant macewan for guitar, and because i’ve only been playing this tonal instrument for a year (and three years of percussion/drums before that) my ear is just taking it’s first baby steps. anyways, i hope this is as useful to some of you as it is to me. now go and flex those ear muscles!
www.good-ear.com - this is another good site that focuses just on ear-training
note: i’m cross-posting my blog on facebook, and i’ve tagged you if i think you’d like it.
credit: i’ll have to thank my guitar teacher, Lane Arndt, for pointing ‘teoria’ out to me.